Wearing a uniform is comfy and practical. It means no one feels uncomfortable or left out and helps everyone feel part of their Colony, Pack, Troop, Unit and Group. It also gives a place to show off all the badges you earn.
What we wear
What we wear
- All young people, and invested adult volunteers, wear Scout navy activity trousers.
- Wearing our group necker shows that you are part of 11th Nuneaton, and an invested member of Scouting.
- Jumpers or shirts are specific to each section.
Uniform stockists
Uniform can be purchased from the following local shops: You can also purchase online from Scout Shops. Nuneaton District also sell uniform directly from the Scout Hut in ASDA car park. See FaceBook for the next opening times or buy online at https://nuneatondistrictscouts.sumupstore.com/ |
Neckers will be presented upon investiture to the group - the cost of which is covered in the joining donation.
Recycling uniform
We encourage our members to donate uniforms and casual Scouting clothing that have been outgrown or no longer needed to the Group. It is then available for all new and existing members of the Group. There is a good selection of clothing in good condition upstairs in The Doug Shorter Meeting Room. Just ask any Leader to see what is available - we ask that a small donation is made for any item of clothing taken.
Badge placement
Working out where to put each badge need not be tricky - follow the links to helpful diagrams.
We encourage our members to donate uniforms and casual Scouting clothing that have been outgrown or no longer needed to the Group. It is then available for all new and existing members of the Group. There is a good selection of clothing in good condition upstairs in The Doug Shorter Meeting Room. Just ask any Leader to see what is available - we ask that a small donation is made for any item of clothing taken.
Badge placement
Working out where to put each badge need not be tricky - follow the links to helpful diagrams.